Monday, August 17, 2009

The Founder of the Father of all Mankind Apostolate of Pagadian City

Jeffrey was the second from the Eldest of the children of Mr. Timoteo A. Lumbay and Mrs. Sonia Dela Pena Lumbay, he is a caregive and is on the apostolate of helping the poor.

On October 14, 2003 He was crowned as the First sovereign head of the Association he also started taking the name Ceriel the first.

Jeffrey has done many accomplishments in his reign and visited places wherever he is invited to accompany the Pilgrim image of the Divine Mercy. Favored with Heavenly visitation, Jeffrey wrote all revelation in his diary and asked his members to reveal this when he is home with the Father in Heaven.

His devotion is the Holy Rosary and the Scapular and the Divine Mercy and the Holy Eucharist. Jeffrey was always silent and does not want to be the center for public eyes.

Accused of practicing magic, Jeffrey never stop praying to God that the truth will prevail that its by God's power that he like Moses control's nature.

He is foundation is suffering resources break down.

Jeffrey prayed for the World to know God and return to their true Identity which is the spiritual side of every human creature of God.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Fullness of the Fathar, Jesus of the Divine Mercy

Jesus being the only son of the Father is the message of God's mercy to us.

The Picture of the Divine Mercy you now see, once came alive as Jeffrey prayed over it and gave beautiful message of mercy to him, which is kept in a Diary.

In the Diary you will be touched upon reading the plea of Jesus to approach His Divine Mercy, before He will come as a just judge.

Today in our era, we need Jesus so much, and I my self can testify, that upon reading the Diary of Jeffrey, I cannot help my self but cry, asking Jesus to embrace me , and allow me to bath in His Mercy.

Jesus asked Jeffrey to promote the Deeds of mercy, for only these are the hope for sinners to receive His Divine Mercy as expressed by Jesus himself in the Gospel. As I was permitted to meet Jeffrey face to face, I made several question to him like in an interview, and below are the account of the said internview.

MD: Jeffrey how does the Lord Jesus appeared to you?
Jeffrey: Oh its hard to explain how beautiful he look like. but I will try, Jesus is made up of light. His cloths are of light and brilliant white. His brilliant left hand touches a cut of his garment on His breast, where there is another light so beautiful like that of water came forth. while the other one is so brilliant also but as red as blood, both red and white light has sparks coming out from His breast like a small stars.

MD: How does Jesus look like?
Jeffrey: He looks the same as that image in the Sister's chael, just like that picture I gave you.
MD: Did His feet touches the floor?
Jeffrey: No. Our Lord stood on a cloud an incense smelling cloud.
MD: Did Jesus told you the meaning of those in the image?
Jeffrey: Yes...yes... Our Lord said that the pale one is the sacrament of confession, where a soul goes to be clean again. The red one which is the symbol of blood, represents the Holy Eucharist, every day celebrated to prolong the mercy of the Father, and avoid the wrath to come.
To bad, few and fewer loves to attend mass and go to confession.
MD: I have seen the painting of the Divine Mercy, which you asked to be painted before the painting from Poland arrived. Is that how the Lord appeared?
Jeffrey: Yes, but the painter, cannot paint how Our Lord is made u of light and is very handsome. Until the Image from Poland arrived, and that one by the knights of Columbos that visit our parish. I am very happy because the painting from Poland arrived on the day of my 24th Birthday as a birthday gift.
MD: Why is it that you have chose to be a caregiver than on a convent?
Jeffrey: I took this as a challenge by our Lord, outside the convent I encounter many test, and despite all this and my times of failings, I can erase my sins by doing the deeds of mercy, as reparation of my sins and that of the whole world.
MD: Jeffrey, why not show yourself to the world?
Jeffrey: I am not worthy, I am a sinner. and I am scared that the Devil might use vain glory to pull me down.... Every account of the Lord's desire is in my Diary, and let the book be the one to speak.
MD: I have heard from some testimonies, that when you chant the chalet of the Divine Mercy, they will hear angels responding and will cover the voice of those who prayed with you.

Note: the clear Divine Mercy with out an inscription was that from the K of C ( knight of Columbus as Jeffrey saw during the visit of the Image.) The one with messages on the painting was the one venerated in the Sister's chael.

MD: Jeffrey, during your first visit to the Shrine of the Divine Mercy in El salvador, did Jesus appeared to you?
Jeffrey: Yes... But I just keep to my self what the Lord told me. You know MD, every time the Lord come to me, I felt like an ice, melting with shame. Everyone knows that I am not living an extra ordinary life like those of a saint. I am really ordinary to anyone else. A sinner a cherrful kid. But the Lord Jesus told me, how can I approach his sinful children if I won't dress like them, and slowly show them the way. I want to show sinners like me that being one is not a a blockage to approach Jesus and receive His mercy. I am not strong, and easily be defeated in temptations,
at this young age of mine... I felt I have failed the Lord. There is one event when I told Jesus how weak I am and can easily be tempted, Jesus replied: My mercy is limitless, it is open for all... a clean broom should be dirty when used to clean the floor...And you are that broom dear child.
MD: When are you planning to visit the shrine again Jeffrey?
Jeffrey: Only Jesus knew, for when I go there , I never bring myself of who I am but a pilgrim like you and the rest. Jesus said TO HONOR MY FATHER IS THE FULFILLMENT OF HIS MISSION ON EARTH TO MAKE HIS FATHER KNOWN AND LOVED.
MD: I wish Jeffrey, that the dairy will be printed. We have been informed that like Sr. Lucia of Fatima, you will be on away from the world doing the deeds of mercy of our savior asked us to do. I hope that like Sr. Lucia, you don't have a faker.
Jeffrey: All in the hand of God...

This ends my interview with Jeffrey the visionary of Pagadian.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Ark of the Covenant

Hāb’rīt [modern pron. Aron Habrit]; Arabic: تابوت العهدTābūt Al-ʿahd) is a container described in the Bible as containing the tablets of stone on which were inscribed the Ten Commandments as well as Aaron's rod and manna. The Ark is said to have been built at the command of God, in accord with Moses' prophetic vision on Mount Sinai (Exodus 25:10-16). God communicated with Moses "from between the two cherubim" on the Ark's cover (Exodus 25:22). The Ark and its sanctuary were "the beauty of Israel" (Lamentations 2:1). Rashi and some Midrashim suggest that there were two arks - a temporary one made by Moses, and a later one made by Bezalel.[1]

The Biblical account relates that during the exodus of the Israelites, the Ark was carried by the priests ~2,000 cubits (Numbers 35:5; Joshua 4:5) in advance of the people and their army or host (Num. 4:5-6; 10:33-36; Psalms 68:1; 132:8). When the Ark was borne by priests into the bed of the Jordan, the river was separated, opening a pathway for the whole of the host to pass over (Josh. 3:15-16; 4:7-18). The Ark was borne in a seven-day procession around the wall of Jericho by seven priests sounding seven trumpets of rams' horns, the city taken with a shout (Josh. 6:4-20). When carried, the Ark was always wrapped in a veil, in tachash skins (the identity of this animal is uncertain), and a blue cloth, and was carefully concealed, even from the eyes of the Levites who carried it.

The Pillar of Fire appears where ever the Ark rest.
Inside the Pillar of Fire is the Glory of God
as you see in the Picture. of the Pillar of fire.

Moses as we know it was the prophet of God that was honored with a close relationship with the creator. He is the early representation of the Son of God Jesus. Moses was assigned by God to be the deliverer of His people Israel. Jesus was sent by His Father the creator to be the deliverer of all mankind from the punishment of sin the Eternal death.

Thru the Power of God the Father Moses was able to save Israel from death from the hands of the Pharaoh!
Jesus the Son of God (HASHEM) was able to save us from hell by dying on the cross.

The two tablets of stone is the torah. each Aramic letter has different words. that corresponds to the secret of the power of the 10 commandments.

The stone tablet was then placed inside the ark of the covenant with the TORAH... this 2 most powerful thing that is represented by the tablet of stone serves as the energy conductor of the Ark of the covenant.
the Light of the creator was placed on the tablets of the torah ( the law). This is the reason that the face of Moses shown brighter like the sun, because he shares the energy the stone tablet is producing.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Schedule of Activities

FIRST SATURDAY: The Ark of the Covenant is prepared, with prayers and incense offering.
Then the Torah is Exposed for incensing, then return inside the ark. only the sovereign majesty Ceriel I will see the torah and open the ark for insencing.

After attending the Solemn Holy Eucharist for the feast of God the Father;
The Ark of the covenant will be carried out for a procession around the City. its not really a procession, its like a motorcade. This is the feast where the Prayers of Moses when the ark of the covenant is carried be said, and this is also the time that King David's prayer of forgiveness is said by H.M. Ceriel I on behalf of the people in attendance. then the goat will be offered.

Just come and travel back in time with us..... and Experience the Miracle you will never forget.


An interview of H.M. JEffrey "Ceriel I"

Your Majesty is the feast of the Father of All mankind a new devotion?

H.M. Ceriel I: No, this is the oldest feast in the History of Man's salvation
YOU know this feast of the Eternal Father dates back during the time of Moses and then to King David, then to King Solomon. This is the only feast that got lots of names.

Your Majesty, what are those names?
H.M. Ceriel I: During the time of Moses God asked Moses to start the feast of the Tabernacle, where the Isralite, must come out to their tents and meet God as Moses made a burnt offering done by Aaron. Then a pillar of Cloud appeared above the tent. Passover feast is the second name.
In the time of King Solomon during the eight month of the Year (August) God asked Solomon to dedicate the new Temple to House the ark of the covenant. The apparition of the Father asking a feast on August is to revive the old feast, to remind us all that the events in the Old testament, and how the Isralite observe it is an essential part of our being, as His creature and children. That we are part of this Holy nation. The Eternal Father wants us to observe this not only the Isalites but all human beings in the world as a sign of thanksgiving and a memorial of the events when God the Father manifest His presence to mortals in a Most tangible way.

This time through Mother Elizabetha Ravachio the Father call this feast as the Feast of the Father of all Mankind. This is one way of God reuniting His Children. Like a Family reunion. God wants to be part in our lives in a most special way.... He wants to share His lights and bounty to us.

H.M. Ceriel I: READ YOUR BIBLE.... and understand, even JEsus observed this feast of dedication. this is the feast when Jesus walked at the pourched of Solomon and said He and the Father are one.